Club Deportivo Ultra Trail Sierra Blanca (CDUTSB), a non-profit organisation dedicated to sport and social inclusion, is seeking a "Joëlette Adventure chair" to enable its captain, Aray, and his friends to take part in mountain races. Until now, the club has relied on borrowed chairs, which are no longer always available, limiting their participation in events. To continue providing these valuable experiences, they are seeking donations to purchase this special chair, with the promise that each contribution will help make mountain races more accessible for these young athletes. The donation link is available at the end of the article.



12/10/20231 min read

Hello, we are Club Deportivo Ultra Trail Sierra Blanca (CDUTSB), a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting a love for sport, nature, and a commitment to social inclusion and solidarity. Today, we are facing a special need and we invite you to be part of this noble cause.

Our club has the honour of supporting Aray, our brave captain, and his friends, who have participated in various inclusive mountain races with us. However, we have always relied on other clubs to lend us special chairs to make this possible. While we continue to be invited to these events, we no longer have access to those borrowed chairs, which means we cannot attend with our captain Aray. To change this, we need a "Joëlette Adventure chair," a specialised wheelchair designed for mountainous terrain. This chair will allow our young champions to experience the beauty, nature, and fresh air of the mountains—an experience that everyone deserves to enjoy.

Currently, our club does not own this type of wheelchair, and although we have managed to borrow one in the past, it is not always available. We do not want our young champions to miss out on more races due to a lack of suitable equipment.

That is why we are reaching out for your generosity and community spirit to raise funds to purchase a Joëlette Adventure chair. Every contribution, big or small, will bring us closer to our goal of making mountain races more accessible and enjoyable for Aray and his friends.

Join this cause and help bring smiles and adventure to our young athletes!

Donate here: https://gofund.me/c47f9120

Thank you so much for your support!